Sunday, August 27, 2006

Today I read an article about the power of blogging. How blogging can usurp tyrants, and expose corruption, for example in John Leiberman, the Democrat primary. How because there is free speech in the first world, people take it for granted and write vapid, empty, self centred posts. How people elsewhere blog more carefully because every word counts. Look, this is rubbish. First, vapid posts happen everywhere. Second, yes, free speech is taken for granted, but it doesn't mean that bimbotic posts should be banned. They are PART of free speech. Not everyone wants to overthrow the government, not everyone's life revolves around just that.

The author has a very narrow view of what blogs really are for. They are a platform for opinions, not necessarily about politics. They are places where you can catch up with friend's lives, and they are places where you can be emo. Or, they are avenues for shameless self promotion. To say that people should only have posts that comment on important, world-changing issues is just condescending. So, I will waste this post away with little lines of nonsense inspired by Russell Peter's "Your Marder so Fat!"

Your marder so fat, that when she get into the lift, she press all the buttons.

Your marder so fat, that when she get into the car, car honk vey loud.

Your marder so fat, that when she watch movie, she block herself.

Your marder so fat, when she want string bikini, they string pail.

Your marder so fat, when she fly to san francisco, she buy plane.

Your marder so fat, she must do her laundry in the sea.

Your marder so fat, that when she play piano, she only make one sound.

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