Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I have nothing against psychologists. I do have something against machine-generated psychology reports that cost 50 dollars and an hour of my time. Hence, it is time to make fun of the 16PF report. It's conclusions are as follows.

  • Ms Chan is an unmitigated bimbo. "She can become so focused and tuned in to her ideas that some people may believe that she is not thinking as clearly as she could"
  • Ms Chan should join the ranks of Hitler, Napoleon, Brezhnev and Brain (trademark Warner Bros) "She likes to grapple directly with most problem situations in order to build an organization dependent upon strong leadership (me, i suppose), and cooperative subordinates. (you other people)
  • Julie is a bitch. "Ms Chan is normally inclined to state her desires clearly and forcefully."
  • She is on the brink of a nervous breakdown. "Ms Chan's profile patterns indicate that she may be experiencing enough personal concerns about herself to benefit from seeking helpful and supportive professional counseling.
  • Ms Chan, the rebel. "She needs to guard against the effect of showing too little interest in living up to the standards that society values, or doing what is expected of other people."

It also appears to be time to consider a career in the library, a liberal arts college, or in elected public office. I am also similar to dentists, computer programmers and geologists. My personal lifestyle patterns indicate that we will all get along famously.


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