Friday, September 01, 2006

Anonymity is very important in the cyber world. It prevents stupid shits from being dragged out of their beds in the middle of the night and bludgeoned to death with their own computer. As such, I have decided to infiltrate this secret society sneakily sanctioning stupid shits, find out their identities and reveal them to the world. Then the world can bludgeon them. However, infiltration is a join them then beat them method. This means I will be needing a nickname, one that hides my true identity. I've come up with a list of possibles, and narrowed it down to these few.

1. youdon'tknowwhoiambutidohahaha
2. nonsensesucker
3. kawabungaxxx
4. heygirliwannacatchyourWAVE
5. supermonkeymorpherrangerhyperballpowerGO!!!
6. john

I like the first one. Number 5 appeals as well. No, I'm not risking anything by showing my potential aliases and blowing my cover even before I've put it on. This is because I have anticipated the stupid shits and will not use any of the pseudonyms here. They are too normal. I'll never fit in among stupid shits like that.

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