Saturday, September 30, 2006

Examination means to look at closely. I am to be examined. What a stupid thing to worry about really. There are more important things in life, especially making sure that Falungong members don't insult China by telling the truth. Isn't it strange? In court, they make you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, then they prosecute you for doing so. Does anyone ever consider what else those people could've said?

"China talks to Falungong members nicely"

"Falungong loves China"

"The Falungong members who disappeared went on indefinite holiday to the Carribbean. China paid for their pina coladas"

We all know how the court case is going to turn out. And we can guess the reasons for doing so. China is an up and coming dragon that we want to suck up to. So that the dragon will give us lots of golden eggs. And when the dragon sits on people, roasts them on a spit, and eats them, we won't bother him about it. Surely we have to strike a balance betwee maintaining "economic ties" which seem oh-so-very important, and being advocates for something that cannot be valued in dollars.

Why is it that human rights are no where a part of our constitution? And hardly mentioned in foreign policy?

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