I'm grateful
And boy, am I amused
Forthwith, I have resigned myself to a lonely life and death. All of my blog posts on Cosiety have either been misunderstood as serious when they were satire, misinterpreted, misrepresented, or simply turned into the bitching grounds for our school's bathroom floor scrapings. I have no clue whether the majority of people who read blogs or even open their mouths are just too thick, or I am simply too obtuse.
If its the latter, I suppose I will have to prepare for an onerous life. My formative years is primary school had been spent in seclusion, and not talking to anybody. Partly because I was shy, partly because I was inept and didn't know what to say. Secondary school was easy, and JC is so far. But judging from some instances..things are going to get unpleasant in the real world. I am going to start work, and my boss won't understand me. He'll fire me for writing off tangent things. I'll mope in a bedsit, ruminating on the stranger questions in life, like, why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? I will then die age 50. from neglect and misunderstanding. My body will nto be found for days, and the stench of my rotting corpse will be attributed to my atrocious cooking skills. When it is found, the policemen will not understand how I died, and the coroner will not understand how to perform an autopsy on me. Oh well.
Scott and Luvis are sitting shoulder to shoulder at a com, playing LF2. Luvis just beat scott. Kenneth is looking over my shoulder and being kaypoh. Vanessa is reading random emails. Our seniors are being held up by tan yew hwee, probably because they ponned, or their hair was 0.2 cm too long. I think yj learnt from him. This explains why they are not sparring us. And why we are sitting around and eating tim tams.
I love our team.
After the prelim rounds yesterday, I am in an optimistic kind of mood. Though I have to say, the competition was rather badly organised, and this is surprising, given how enthusiastic the people at yjc seem to be. I mean, first they deprive my team of our coach because they HAD to make her adjudicate. Then they decided "Oh, can we push your round up? We don't have enough judges". Gee, what happen to the supposedly "fair" competition? Why target VJ twice? Then they turned away our supporters for having their hair just a mite too long. Ok, so maybe you treat you students like army recruits, but you have no jurisdiction over outsiders, especially when they are part of a contigent you invited. Anyway, we move on.
This is the last prepared motion that the VJC debate team 2006 are going to do. Our case is projected onto the giant cloth roll thingy in the com lab, and vanessa is muttering insanely to herself. She looks stressed. In front of her, scott and kenneth are being very chummy and cuddling up to each other at the teacher's table. One of hock cheng's weirdo songs is playing over the sound system and he gazes adoringly into scott's eyes. Felda remains focussed, and instead fixes her eyes upon hte screen where the first speaker's case in up for all to see. This rather intelligent demeanour is destroyed by the fact that she is swinging a chair side to side.
So...I was on the bus after training, with this mother tua* headache. The thing about headaches is that unless you're in a sound-proof bunker thirty feet undergroud, they kill you. The rumbling bus was bad enough, but unfortunately, at had Singapore Idol No. 3 on the bus with me? Was he hot? Could he sing? No, duh. He was only 4. He goes by the monniker Romanian Rodent.What happened was that he was sitting right in front of me, with his dear old mummy, who was very intelligent and was reading The New Paper. I suppose she forgot to bring duct tape or something, because her little brat was singing at the top of his lungs. She also must have very limited musical taste beacuse all her son could sing was, quite disturbingly, Drangonstea Din Tei and Move it. As it is, those songs get stuck in your head horribly easily, and coupled with some high pitch screeches, the headache feels like you got struck by an intercontinental ballistic missile.Ok, so the Romanian song was sung relatively softly until it got to Maia-HEEEEEEEE, Maia-HOOOOOOO, maia-HAHA. That bloody near blew my head off. So there I was, contemplating whether to get his mother to gag him, or do it myself. Then suddenly, the track switches to the Madagascar soundtrack. Except there were visuals too, cos the little boy got up in his seat and MOVED IT
I got to know a friend of a friend today, and it helped me realise the real reason for making new friends. I suppose some people make friends because they enjoy collecting people for their social circle, or maybe building up a useful network. But the deeper reason, I think, is so that we can reinvent ourselves. Old friends have already seen the side of us that we have constantly shown them, and there's this mental image that they have of us, resistant to change. Likewise, for the sake of nostalagia or security, we prefer our friends to stay the way they are. And when one of them does something completely different from that mental picture, like buying a bikini, for instance, it stuns us for quitee a bit.So with someone we're just getting to know, we start making the changes that we've always wanted to make, and give a different impression. More talkative, upbeat, even spicy. But then the problem is, what kind of person are you really? The one you just invented, or the one that people have always seen you as? Or an amalgamation of both? This is starting to sound like a KI essay, so I will desist.Man, I'm tired
Like other people who have bad days, sometimes you just need a laugh. Hence it is time for some quotes.Its time for the human race to enter the solar system - George "Dubya" BushWe have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are part of Europe - George W. BushWe're going to have the best educated American people in the world. - George W. BushThe future will be better tomorrow - George W. BushThe vast majority of imports come from outside the country - George W. BushIt isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it - George W. BushI stand by all the misstatements I've made - George W. BushPublic speaking is very easy - George W. Bush
Good News:Exams are overBad NewsI'm going to fail themI screwed up my chinese oralJCDCs motion is outDebates is ending