ahahahahahahaha!i had a real pissing day. I got called up for this interview for some scholarship thing. Well, I didn't apply for it, and my CCA teacher nominated me. So...I skipped a bit of KI, and sat there while the vice principal asked me why I didn't apply for the scholarship. Then he said, well since i didn't apply, it would be funny giving the thing to me. I was called for the interview just to be told it was pointless anyway. I was called up to be rejected! This really puts things into persepective. I mean, people phoning you up specifically to tell you that you didn't get something. I already have enough of the normal rejection as it is.
The general elections are depressing. Studying for econs is depressing. The weather is depressing. Losing my debate book and pencil case is depressing. Hmmm. The upcoming Napfta is depressing. The pre u sem deadlines are depressing. So what's there to feel happy about?
I'll tell you what's there to feel happy about.
The general elections. Yep. Even though the people who occupy the seats have remained the same, this year's general elections are a herald of other more promising things to come. For a start, the opposition has become more active and actually contested more than half the seats. A true sign that we aren't as apathetic as we seem. And chiam see tong won despite the overly harped on "$80million carrot". See? Singaporeans aren't that superficial, and they need more than money to replace an MP who has undoubtadly served them well.
Who cares that some people felt the campaigning didn't cover bread and butter issues, whatever they are? At least the campaigning this time had ten times more people and a hundred times the heart. Step by step. Admittedly, there were several stupid moments, like how the PAP just completely overblew the Gomez thing. And how Dr Chee Soon Juan and his sister carried out another brilliant act of self destruction. Sometimes I wonder how the blinking hell they can continue taking financial and reputation blows over and over and over again. Oh well. If they don't have the brains, at least we can commend their determination.
As an afterthought, did anyone other than me feel intensely tickled when PAP candidates shouted "lift upgrades!" as if they were Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream". ?
I would say that blackouts really spice up life. Especially when you're stuck in LT4 listening to your history lecturer say "At lease he's OUR sonofabitch" x1000 So there's the pee-smelling air, the unbearable repetition, then suddenly....
The lights go out....
And my lecturer, starts SINGING.
Man, do you not ever want to hear his singing. Tis the stuff that nightmares are made of, and we don't want none of those. In the end, it was good that the lights came back on so fast.
As for the general elections, I hope that Chiam See Tong keeps his seat, the SDP don't get any, and the worker's party win a few. And I wish that Mickey Mouse would not blow up that stupid Gomez issue anymore. He's only making himself look more and more senile.