This sad little blob here was done by my brother. Justin Chan, who has never heard the definition of normal in his life. He's in ACS(I) now, so I don't think that that helped either. It's cute though, in a blobby sort of way. I believe that its curved arms represent a desperate need to reach out to the world, since the blob has no mouth to express its views with.
Ladies and gentlemen of this house
We did it!!!!!!!
Now, VJ's debate team will finally get a reputation boost. FINALS. I myself didn't expect to get this far, and am too happy to write much. This is my second finals, the first beign with dunman.
27th may
jurong reigonal library
come support
Grey reflects my current mood, as I'm sitting in vj's com lab. Well, I'm supposed to be in LT1 now, strapped down to one of the blue plastic seats with the slidey desk and being tortured out of my wits with econs. I like econs, but not the lectures. In fact, I hate all lectures, except maybe the KI ones, when we get to watch stupidly funny things like The Princess Bride.So, after 4 periods of lessons, I got sian. 6 periods in a row would be unbearable. This led to the regrettable thought of, hey, let's go to the com lab where i can edit my speech! But one thing led to another, so here I am. The Fooz is on the com next to me, reading some spoof version of wikipedia called uncyclopedia. it's damn funny. Just look up any Singaporean school and you get this weirdo subversive article. And Singapore is known as Kingdom Republick Lee.I'm stil pissed. Well, I wasn't until yesterday, but then something intolerably banal happened. I will not go on to elaborate; I will just try to quantify my anger. I am pissed off beyond measure. Beyond measuring cylinders, bathtubs, and shining lakes. I never understand why people think that by ignoring the problem, that it would go away. It's like a drowning man trying to save himself by pretending the water isn't there.
Well, here I am again, after a long lapse. If I could sum up everything that has happened, I would say, alot. I just need to rant abit about PE, which I am going to have tomorrow.You see, PE at VJ is something that, according to my teacher "PE ith abouth enthoy". But the thing is, they do the very things that make you hate it. They make fun of the fat people, the skinny people, the weak people, and the smart people. I'm all for exercise and could healthful fresh air, but on my terms. What's the point of overemphasis on passing the stupid NAFTA test? And now, when we're learning tennis, they have managed to turn an exciting sport into a matter of "one, tootwee". don't ask